
Have you ever noticed how women in buses, local trains, rickety rickshaws or a chauffeur driven car have the perfect knack of applying make up in the little vanity mirror? So I must tell you about this gift we women got. It’s a gift of perfection bestowed on us by the universe. You can say […]

June 18, 2021

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Have you ever noticed how women in buses, local trains, rickety rickshaws or a chauffeur driven car have the perfect knack of applying make up in the little vanity mirror?

So I must tell you about this gift we women got.

It’s a gift of perfection bestowed on us by the universe. You can say perfection with a purr. For most of us all it takes is a small mirror to adjust the blush tint on our cheeks to look like we blushed at your joke.

I am an expert in applying my kajal pencil inside my upper eyelid without poking my eye balls out. It’s a knack I have mastered over the years. Those few nano seconds my face contorts to adjust the kajal tip and voila “luminous me”!

On a dull day when I want to achieve that dewy look, I apply the right cheek tint and use the kajal to open up my eyes.  I love it as to how I can change my face with the right products.

Also FYI,  I apply make up only for myself and I wait for my friends (girls) to compliment and notice my new lip tint.

Over the years I have realised that barely any man notices your lip tint.  So yeah!! We women like to apply make up just for ourselves. Just incase any man is deluded that he is the reason. Please read on.

Among our other qualities, we know how to camouflage a night of no sleep with the right under eye cream, we can contour our faces if it looks puffy.  We can do all this and more in a moving vehicle or a flying aircraft.

This is a skill acquired over the years with oodles of patience and talent to create the look we desire.


So go on girls!  Apply the lipstick, wear the false lashes, wear the padded bra and the derrière pad too. You owe no one an explanation for any amount of make up you buy or wear. If a man believes women use make up to get his attention, he is mighty wrong because women worry if the girlfriends noticed and complimented the look. It stops there.

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