Current Events

December 14, 2023

Navigating Technology: A Guide for Non-Tech Enthusiasts

In today's episode  on The Mohua Show! Our mission is to make technology easier to understand and available to everyone....

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April 14, 2023

Just Random Thoughts

Poila Boishakh which falls on 14th April, 2023 is the celebration of the new year, 1430, according to the Bengali...

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July 28, 2020

टाइगर का पैग़ाम, देश के नाम।

नमस्कार भारतवासियो,कैसे है आप सब लोग?? खबरें पढ़ी है, की हमारी इस दुनिया में एक विषाणु(virus) ने काफ़ी तहलका मचाया...

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July 22, 2020

देशव्यापी लॉकडाउन में अपने समय का सदुपयोग कैसे करें?

मौजूदा हालातों में लोग कहीं न कहीं निराशा और दिशाहीनता से जूझ रहे हैं। उनमें एक नई उम्मीद जगाने की...

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July 8, 2020

भारत-चीन विवाद – An Article by Nikhil Singh

सौ करोड़ से अधिक लोगों को गोद में लिए, मस्तक पर धवल किरीट धारण किए हुए, सागर में पांव पसारे...

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June 30, 2020

Eyes Open, Mouth Shut

Eyes are the mirror to your soul. With India steadily increasing in an upward curve of COVID-19 death rates, more...

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June 4, 2020

The Goddess Wears White, The Devil Wears Black

Photo Credit: @mabel_lee I watched her shameful bosom silently heave a heavy sigh, as she heard and cringed when friends...

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June 3, 2020

A New Chapter for MoodyMo: MoodyMo Awaaz!

Today we’re thrilled to announce the launch of MoodyMo Awaaz, our heart to heart Podcast, from me to you! Each...

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May 28, 2020

Un-United in the USA

A protester bringing awareness to race issues in a Black Lives Matter event George Floyd, a black man, was killed...

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May 22, 2020

Amphan Isn’t a New Story

Photo Credit: Mark Dyer, Flickr, CC-BY 2.0 My first experience with the rains of Calcutta was many years ago. It...

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