ADD THIRD GENDER even in The Office Loos!

Transgenders will be given a 1% reservation for government services in Karnataka. This is a great move in inclusiveness. I do think that as we progress, education of inclusivity must be incorporated for the rest of the employees in the government offices. Also, transgender’s inclusivity must begin very early on. It must begin in schools […]

July 28, 2021

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ADD THIRD GENDER even in The Office Loos!

Transgenders will be given a 1% reservation for government services in Karnataka. This is a great move in inclusiveness.

I do think that as we progress, education of inclusivity must be incorporated for the rest of the employees in the government offices.

Also, transgender’s inclusivity must begin very early on. It must begin in schools with transgender teachers for the young impressionable children. This is where the foundation of non stereotyping of gender will begin its genesis.

I sincerely worry about the trauma the transgender might face if they are treated with inequality by the other employees. Will there be a law enforced on any transgression or anyone who might show resistance and hostility towards them?

Joining mainstream work-life for transgenders must be for a secure life. It must be economically, emotionally and substantially different for them. An environment of security versus the familiarity of the traffic signals.

So the start has to be in our attitude towards them. To ensure that they don’t return to the life of indignity, the working environment must be kind with empathy and also toilets where they don’t feel violated or threatened.

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