15 Ways on How to Find New Podcasts You Should Listen to

Podcasting is in its golden age, with a wealth of high-quality, ear-catching broadcasts available from a variety of sources and suppliers. Whether you’re a science buff, a genre fan, or have another hobby, there’s bound to be a podcast (or two) to satisfy you. You also have various options to find podcasts, some of which […]

February 21, 2023

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15 Ways on How to Find New Podcasts You Should Listen to

Podcasting is in its golden age, with a wealth of high-quality, ear-catching broadcasts available from a variety of sources and suppliers. Whether you’re a science buff, a genre fan, or have another hobby, there’s bound to be a podcast (or two) to satisfy you. You also have various options to find podcasts, some of which you may not have considered previously. If you’ve already finished all of the episodes, there are a few ways to find your next podcast

One of the key reasons to listen to podcasts is the convenience factor. Unlike traditional radio or television broadcasts, podcasts can be downloaded and listened to at any time. This means you can listen to your favorite podcasts on your commute, during a workout, or while doing chores around the house. Additionally, many podcast apps allow you to speed up or slow down the playback speed, making it easy to fit in a quick episode even when you’re short on time.

Another great benefit of podcasts is the wide range of topics and perspectives they offer. With thousands of podcasts available on everything from science and politics to pop culture and true crime, there’s something for everyone. And because podcasts are often produced by independent creators or small teams, they often offer unique and diverse perspectives that you might not find in traditional media.

Listening to podcasts can also be a great way to learn new things or stay up-to-date on current events. Many news outlets and educational organizations now produce podcasts, offering in-depth analysis and commentary on a variety of topics. Additionally, many podcasts feature interviews with experts or thought leaders in their respective fields, providing valuable insights and perspectives on the issues that matter most.

Perhaps one of the most enjoyable aspects of listening to podcasts is the sense of community that can develop around them. Many podcasts have dedicated fan bases who interact with one another on social media, attend live shows or events, or even start their own podcasts inspired by their favorite shows. Whether you’re looking to connect with others who share your interests or simply enjoy being part of a larger conversation, podcasts can be a great way to feel more connected to the world around you.

There are many compelling reasons to listen to podcasts. From the convenience and variety of topics to the educational and entertainment value, podcasts offer something for everyone. So why not give a few a try and see for yourself why they’ve become such a popular and beloved form of media?

How do find a new Podcast?

Podcasts are a great way to stay informed, entertained, and educated on a variety of topics. With thousands of podcasts available, it can be challenging to find the right one for you. Here are 15 ways to find new podcasts to listen to:

01. Use Podcast Aggregators

There are many podcast aggregator websites and apps that allow you to search for podcasts by category, topic, and keyword. Some popular ones include Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, and Overcast.

02. Check Out Podcast Directories

Podcast directories like Podcast Addict, Podbay, and Podbean are also great places to search for new podcasts. They contain one of the best podcasts to listen to right now These directories offer a comprehensive list of podcasts organized by categories and topics, making it easy to find shows that interest you.

03. Follow Your Favorite Podcast Creators on Social Media

Many podcast creators use social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook to promote their shows and share new episodes. Following them is a great way to stay up-to-date with new releases and find out about other podcasts they might recommend.

04. Listen to Podcast Recommendations from Friends

Asking your friends and family members for podcast recommendations is an easy way to discover new shows. They may be able to suggest podcasts that you would not have found otherwise.

05. Attend Podcast Festivals and Conferences

Podcast festivals and conferences, such as Podcast Movement and PodCon, offer a great opportunity to discover new podcasts and meet the creators behind them. These events often feature live shows and panels that can be a great source of inspiration and entertainment.

06. Browse Podcast Networks

Many podcast networks, such as Gimlet Media, Wondery, and Radiotopia, have multiple shows under their banner. Browsing the catalog of a podcast network can help you find new shows that you might enjoy.

07. Check Out the “Listeners Also Subscribed To” Section

Most podcast directories and apps have a “Listeners Also Subscribed To” section that recommends other shows based on your listening habits. This can be a great way to find new podcasts that are similar to ones you already enjoy.

08. Use Podcast Discovery Apps

There are several podcast discovery apps, such as Podomatic and Podcast Republic, that use algorithms to recommend podcasts based on your listening habits and interests.

09. Read Podcast Reviews and Roundups

Many websites and blogs, such as Vulture, The Guardian, and The New York Times, publish reviews and roundups of the best podcasts. These can be a great source of inspiration for finding new shows.

10. Listen to Podcasts in Other Languages

If you are bilingual or multilingual, listening to podcasts in other languages can be a great way to improve your language skills and discover new shows.

11. Join Podcast Communities

Online communities like Reddit, Facebook Groups, and Discord servers offer a platform for podcast fans to connect with each other and share recommendations. Joining these communities can be a great way to discover new shows and meet like-minded people.

12. Check Out Podcast Awards and Top 10 Lists

Many podcasts receive recognition and awards for their quality, content, and production. Checking out the winners and top 10 lists of these awards can help you discover new shows that you might enjoy.

13. Follow Popular Podcast Hashtags

Following hashtags like #PodcastRecommendations, #PodcastersOfTwitter, and #Podcasting can help you discover new podcasts and connect with other podcast fans on social media.

14. Listen to Guest Interviews on Other Podcasts

Many podcasts have guests who are experts in their fields or have their own shows. Listening to guest interviews can be a great way to discover new podcasts and learn from different perspectives.

15. Try Something New

Finally, don’t be afraid to try something new. You might discover a podcast.


In today’s fast-paced world, we all need some form of entertainment, inspiration, or education to keep us going. Podcasts are a great source of all three, offering a diverse range of topics and voices to keep us engaged and informed.

However, with the sheer number of podcasts available, it can be challenging to find new ones that match our interests and preferences. This is why searching for new podcasts is important – it helps us stay updated with the latest trends, discover new voices and perspectives, and expand our knowledge and understanding of different topics.

By using the tips mentioned in this article, you can easily find new podcasts that cater to your interests and preferences. From podcast directories and aggregators to social media, online communities, and awards, there are multiple avenues to explore and discover new shows.

Searching for new podcasts is an important part of being a podcast listener. It helps you stay engaged, informed, and entertained while introducing you to new ideas and perspectives. So, take some time to explore the options available and find new podcasts that match your interests and preferences. Who knows, you might just discover your next favorite podcast!

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