
July 25, 2022

I Do Is It?

I am elated to see Sushmita’s photos with Lalit Modi. I had no idea Sush had broken off with her...

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August 16, 2020

The Material, Monumental Matriarch of Pop

Happy Birthday Madonna. The Queen of Pop, the “Material Girl”, ruled the stage for decades with her iconic conical bras,...

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August 5, 2020

मुझे तो प्यार से ही प्यार होता है…

प्यार - यह तो एक अहसास है ना, फिर क्यों हम किसी ख़ास के होने ना होने से उस अहसास...

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July 15, 2020

कुछ मीठी यादें – A Narrative Poetry By Pratyush Kumar Pani

आज सारे देश भर में लॉकडाउन है, काफ़ी लोग कई कारणो की वज़ह से परेशान है, कुछ लोगों से उनका...

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July 5, 2020

Happy Birthday, Frida Kahlo

You Live In The Soul Of Every Woman. Dear Diego, As I celebrate my birthday today, I acknowledge the consciousness...

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June 17, 2020

“का” की मोहब्बत – A Poem by “kyakarogeyjaankar”

कुछ प्रेम कहानियां बहुत ही अलग होती हैं। जैसे की हमने हीर और रांझा , रोमियो और जूलिएट आदि के किस्से ज़रूर...

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June 15, 2020

Gala & Dali: The Conscious is Not For Us

Image Credit: The Paris Review Lying down this noon, still, on my sofa, the cushions are all strewn around the...

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September 5, 2019

Subconsciously She Teaches And We Learn

My first teacher ever Who was your first teacher? Was it the kindergarten teacher who held your hand and walked...

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