
August 16, 2020

The Material, Monumental Matriarch of Pop

Happy Birthday Madonna. The Queen of Pop, the “Material Girl”, ruled the stage for decades with her iconic conical bras,...

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June 17, 2020

“का” की मोहब्बत – A Poem by “kyakarogeyjaankar”

कुछ प्रेम कहानियां बहुत ही अलग होती हैं। जैसे की हमने हीर और रांझा , रोमियो और जूलिएट आदि के किस्से ज़रूर...

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June 9, 2020

Pray the Gay Will Stay

It has never been a bed of roses for the ones who choose to change the narrative. All the notable...

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June 24, 2019

From The Broken Mirror Of Hope

What is your identity? What is your eyesight, is it male or female? What is your heart? Do you refer...

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October 8, 2018

Faith Knows No Gender

The world is moving forward in tech, healthcare and an increasing sense of entitlement among people. Yet, in the margins...

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